Linda T Kepner Web Site

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Calendar & Links

Please note: This calendar is subject to change without notice. Any events that have an entry or membership fee to attend/participate are marked with $$$. (Most of the Writers Group activities allow a visitor to attend once or twice before insisting that you become a paying member.)

  • Linda may also read at Monadnock Underground Open Mike Nights at the Peterborough Town Library (Usually the 2nd Thursday of the month, 5:30-7:00 pm). See the Peterborough Town Library web site for more information.

 Web Guest & Purchasing Links
Interview with Gayle Heney of "Write Now." Archive no longer available - the interview took place in 2013.

Web Guests
Linda's Web guests are/were:
 (Note: Web sites are listed for past and current guests. Other names are the tentative schedule.)

Sept-Oct 2016: Maura MacNeil
November 2016-April 2017: Betty (Elizabeth) Meyette
May-June 2017: Phyllis Edgerly Ring
July-Oct 2017: Michael Bailey
Aug-Dec 2018: Quinn Kepner
Jan-Apr 2019: M. Allyson Szabo
May-Jun 2019: Nancy C. Weeks
July-Dec 2019: The Dublin WorldCon
Jan-May 2020: Cheri Allan
June-Sep 2020: Sara Stewart
2021: Judith Luke Amazon link
Spring 2023: Guntis (Busch) Goncarovs

Autumn 2023: Amber Cross
Spring-Summer 2024: Elena Markem
Fall-Winter 2024: Jessie Salisbury Amazon link

Information about Linda, her publishers, her conventions

Broad Universe, promoting the world of women writers of science fiction, fantasy, and horror.
Flying Chipmunk Publishing, publisher of Linda's science fiction and fantasy books.
Linda's Facebook page. Linda doesn't keep a blog, but posts to Facebook and this web site instead.
Linda's Amazon Author page.

Purchasing Linda's books:
Each book of this web site has Amazon, Nook, and Kobo links to the matching entry on the corresponding e-retail sites. But... if you're in the neighborhood (New Hampshire's Monadnock Region, the southern and western parts of the state), we strongly recommend dropping in on the Toadstool Bookshops. Support your local independent bookstores!
Linda often has tables at craft events (and always gives out free light-pens). Check Linda's calendar.
Most of Linda's books can also be found as ebooks on Smashwords.

Got questions? Want to keep up-to-date on Linda's writing?  If you want to ask Linda a question or get an autographed copy of a book, send her an e-mail.

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